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Virtual Currencies

2014-05-01 Crypto-Timeline

Here is a log with relevant legal, regulatory, law enforcement and business risk milestones in the race of crypto-currencies to maturity with links to trusted sources.

The  Key APRIL 2014 Crypto-Events were:

For ease of tracking I’ve decided on the following discrete categories to classify all events:

    1. Banking: Refers to decisions made or stances taken by banks and other traditional financial institutions with respect to crypto-ventures, including adopting a digital currency strategy and banking operators
    2. Businesses: Includes decisions made by operators and businesses as a result of regulatory pressure or other risks facing them, as well as overall market-related news
    3. Enforcement Actions: Includes actual law enforcement actions on virtual currency operators anywhere in the world
    4. Rules & Regs: Refers to decisions made or stances taken by regulators, supervisors and policy-makers around the world

Please point me to any events that you consider important and would like to see on the log.

2014-05-01 BEs jpg

About Juan Llanos

Innovative compliance, operations and technology executive leveraging emerging technologies, management and leadership best practices (and, above all, common sense!) to empower businesses and compliance professionals for success.


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